In order to comply with the provisions of the law for confidence in the digital economy of June 21, 2004, the legal notices required to identify the publisher of the present website are set out below.
The present site is published by the company
CLOCLO9, with a capital of 1 000,00 €, recorded in the register of commerce and companies under the number 832 306 559, and whose head office is 19 RUE DE PUYMAURIN 31400 TOULOUSE.
Intracommunity VAT number: FR09832306559
The director of publication is Chloé CASALTA
The person in charge of the editing is Chloé CASALTA
This website is hosted by the company cloudways, whose head office is 52 Springvale, Pope Pius XII Street Mosta MST2653, Malta,
This website was created using the open-source solution WordPress.
Protection of personal data
The company CLOCLO9 uses your personal information for the proper processing of orders.
By registering on the site, you agree to provide us with sincere and true information about yourself.
The communication of false information is contrary to the present general conditions as well as the conditions of use appearing on the Site.
You have a permanent right to access and rectify all data concerning you, in accordance with European texts and national laws in force (article 34 of the law of January 6, 1978). You just have to make the request to : CLOCLO9 Service administratif, 19 RUE DE PUYMAURIN 31400 TOULOUSE
CLOCLO9 is concerned about the use and the security of the personal data.
Intellectual property
All the pages of this Site are protected by the French copyright and the legislation on the data bases. No reproduction of its contents, even partial is authorized. CLOCLO9

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